Jim and I greeted a beautiful day this morning! After Morning Offering, Jim and Gary headed out for their blitz-mowing routine. Romi came by and picked up Traveller Too as he is going to do some configuring on it prior to our work together setting things up on Saturday.
Suddenly the house was quiet and I was alone with the whole day before me and one job on my mind: clearing my fat Inbox. I started by sending Gary a recipe to add to our database: spinach salad with roasted walnuts and feta cheese. Then I took aim and wrote:
To Helen D, talking about good memories and plans to have her come visit me next fall
Gary, asking him to copy Dana’s Alphabet Mosaics manuscript for Mary Rodwell, an experiencer of much UFO phenomena in Australia with whom Dana was friends
Two letters to Mary Rodwell herself on various items to do with Dana’s book
A catch-up letter to Carol K-S, a classmate at MacDuffie, remembering my suitemate, Karen Murkett, one of the classmates for which MacDuffie does not have any contact info. I imagine she has long since married, so there’s little hope of finding her by Googling on her name. What a great woman she was and, I am sure, is. It feels very empowering to me to help bring the class of ’61 together as best as I can.
A note to Cousin Carlos, who wrote to thank me for all the Rueckert family tree information I sent him. I am not a genealogy fan myself, but my Aunt Karlynn was, and after her death, her husband sent me all of her data, which I passed on to Carlos.
The Kentucky Report to my friend, Rick C, in Maine in response to his Maine report. He was planting peas, lettuce, carrots and more today and had just extended his garden fence to keep out deer. I wrote back with YUM! Rick’s about the best country cook I ever met and thinking about what he’ll do with those fresh veggies makes my mouth water!
Several letters to Eliahu E, working with him on various ideas about Dana’s book. He also is a friend of Dana’s, the one who found her the font she used in her last book.
A note of thanks to Lindy T, who recommended a therapy option for me.
A note to Carol C, a volunteer who is attempting to find grants for us. We presently have no grant money coming in, and it is Carol’s belief that if various organizations knew about our work, they would happily offer us grants. Hope she is right!
A note to Dave G thanking him for his kind and thoughtful words concerning the UPI article I wrote on Words of Power
A couple of notes to Dianne S, arranging a lunch together for next week
A fairly substantial letter to Melissa T, formerly a volunteer here and on Avalon, who is now searching for work in sunny California. She is a crackerjack admin and paralegal. However she has the world’s worst luck in landing a job. I can’t figure it. She deserves a good job! Her work for us was so good that half the things in our office still have her mark on them, as she got them just right. Come on, California, give up a job for my bud!
A couple of notes to Barbara Brodsky concerning the Aaron/Q’uo Dialogues, which I am editing for her as well as for me due to her poor eyes, which were damaged in an ocean accident where she was dumped by a big wave and then hit in the face by the board upon which she had been basking. She reported my Christmas thank you note was illegible. Unfortunately, I have heard from several recipients of those Christmas thank-yous that the ink I was using did not blot successfully and my sentiments were smeared past any possibility of reading. Well, rats!
A note to Ann P, a MacDuffie classmate, thanking her for a great update
A note to Ian J about the right date for Terry H’s recent special channeling session
A longish letter to Diane P-C, Rick’s wife there in Maine. She has been suggesting ways I could deal better with my health, being concerned that I am taking too many prescriptions.
A note of Mazeltov to Kathy R, a choir buddy with whom I have sung in various groups since she was a kid and I was a young woman. Kathy has just become a grandmother! She was so excited!
When Mick called bath time, I was completely caught up on e-mail except that Eliahu, Lindy and Diane P-C had already written me back, which I suggest does NOT count! So I did manage to knock out the very last chore, except collecting recipes from four cook books, that I had on the back burner when this waiting period began. That feels very special! When Romi comes tomorrow to help me get Trav2 up and running, I will be ready to get back to work at my usual schedule, editing A/Q in the mornings and writing on the 101 book in the afternoons.
I will try hard to reform my ways, though, and spend just a bit of time at the end of each day seeing to the low-priority stuff like clearing the snail mail and e-mail. I had a solid month of backlog built up! In the event, it was a blessing, as I used working on that backlog as a spiritual practice during my enforced wait for Trav2. Hopefully I will experience no trouble at all with my new computer and will have no need for any alternative chores for years to come!
Jim came home having gotten every lawn mowed, all his tools serviced for the week and a transplanting job done for one of his customers as well. What a guy! Gary was cooking up a storm when I came down for Jim’s and my bath and everything smelled so good!
Jim and I relaxed upstairs until 8 PM, at which time we joined Gary for supper and the Gaia Meditation, with me offering the closing prayer. Gary scooted off to his own room after that to view a documentary while Jim and I enjoyed Star Gate episodes. We said good night to each other and the kitties at 11 PM.