Saturday, May 26, 2007


After Morning Offering Jim and Gary set out to do their Friday mowing marathon. Many lawn customers prefer that their lawns be fresh for their weekend entertaining, so on Fridays Gary helps Mick and they really rock and roll with twice the usual number of customers.

I edited another Aaron/Quo session before lunch, enjoying again the unique flavor of these co-channelings. It is wonderful to see how positive information from sources as different as an ET and an ancient Buddhist inner guide harmonizes.

I gave the internet a look before lunch. Responding to my positive experience with listening to Kucinich’s views, I ordered a T-shirt for Mick and a bumper sticker for me. I also signed up for his newsletter. I should be able to keep track of his discussion of the issues of the day that way. His web site is Be my guest and check him out if you are interested. Whatever we do this time around with the election of our next president, we need to be more involved, I think. These last two elections were utter disasters of misbehavior and outright criminal acts, where we selected a president rather than voting one in.

I am deeply disappointed in Congress's vote to fund more war. The Democrats won the last elections and obtained a majority in both houses of Congress because the general run of American people wanted an end to this war. These same Democrats are now acting like sheep.

It is as though the Bush boys were blackmailing them all with incriminating photographs of sexual indiscretions or proof of theft or murder. I keep reminding myself that this world scene is precisely what we came to planet Earth to love. So my watchword of the day is that wonderful chorus from Mendelssohn’s Elijah: Be Not Afraid! We can heal this world as we heal ourselves and express steady faith, holding the light with serenity and confidence.

In the afternoon I worked further with orange ray in Chapter 4 of 101, discovering I had way more to cover than I had realized. I organized my thoughts on what was left of orange ray matters and wrote about distractions and how they keep us from developing our relationships. There are plenty of distractions, between computer games, television and iPods and such.

I may split these chapters up, as the present chapter is over 30 pages now, and i have not even begun a discussion of yellow ray. so i believe we shall have more and shorter chapters, perhaps one for each ray.

Jim and Gary finished their lawn work in mid-afternoon and then Mick did his weekly maintenance on his tools and mowers and repaired a leak in the waterfall of the smaller pond while Gary got groceries and cooked up a storm. Mick called bath time just as I got some more e-mail addressed. Vara L wrote with good news. She is greatly enjoying living down south with her new boyfriend. She is now almost completely responsible for editing Planet Light Worker. She told me they would publish my “Shift” article in their July issue and the chakra series in issues thereafter.

I had not heard from Leslie D is several years, and was tickled to receive an e-mail update from her. She is a gentle, sweet, poetic soul and through the last decade or so has come to our meditations off and on. At this point, her health is delicate and she needs to stay home. But it was great to say hey.

I squared off with the upcoming visit with Steve E, who will spend this weekend working on the bring4th web site with Gary and me, plus Jim from time to time and Romi at some point – he said he wanted to sit in as he could. I have a pedicure on Saturday afternoon and church on Sunday morning to be reckoned in to the planning of our extended conversations. I sent Gary an e-mail with those facts and printed out the schedule to hang in the kitchen where everyone can consult it.

My last note was also to admin Gary. My MacDuffie classmates are beginning to send me photographs. I would like to include them in my class newsletter next month, so I wrote to ask Gary if he knows how to scan in photos and use them in composing a document. I have not done that before except in the Camelot Journal, back when that was possible.

Jim called bath time and we luxuriated in a long whirlpool before coming upstairs for a date. I always feel so creative as we share sexual energy, as if we are both gardeners in the Creator’s Garden of Delights. We bring each other to bloom!

We napped briefly after that and then came down to join Gary for dinner and the Gaia Meditation, with my offering the ending prayer tonight. Then Steve E showed up, bright-eyed despite his long road trip from the DC area, and we had a good conversation until my eyes started clanking shut at 11 PM or so. So we all said good night. We shall have fun this weekend, I can tell! there is much good energy around this project. Praise the Lord!