Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Another gorgeous day! We cannot afford many more hot, dry days or our grass is going to turn up its toes and fry! Jim left after Morning Offering for the dusty job of mowing and I finished collecting my quotes for my fifth article on Dana Redfield. I was pleased with what I was able to glean from looking through her unpublished manuscript, which she had left to L/L Research, of “Tomorrow”.

I had to leave for a doctor’s appointment to get checked up on my seizure, which I had in 2004. I have to go back tomorrow for an EEG and take another MRA in June, but if all goes well, the doctor will take me off Kepra, which would be great! One less drug.

I stopped at Big Boy for lunch and then shopped for a bath pillow and a 20th Anniversary card for Mick, as our anniversary is tomorrow. I also made a deposit for L/L Research, as we have gotten several cash donations lately and they don’t mail well.

It took me the rest of the afternoon to finish Dana 5, and I found that this is not my final article on her after all. I got to thinking about some of her imagery of the Tomorrow Tree being struck by lightning and I want to write on that before I am through.

Meanwhile, I scanned new e-mail to find that both of the ladies, Jill and Cynthia, whom I had asked yesterday about the possibility of a midrash section as an appendix to Dana’s book, The Alphabet Mosaics, feel it is a really sound idea. So it looks more and more as though this will happen in good time.

Gary had been hard at work all day and we consulted about several matters. The volunteer who is editing “The Brown Notebook”, which is the source from which Don Elkins originally got the idea of forming our Louisville Group, as we called ourselves before becoming L/L Research, wrote to ask for editing guidelines. He sounds so sharp! Gary says he is in publishing. That figures. Not too many people know about em-dashes. It is delightful to have such a skilled person on that job.

Further, the volunteer doing the notation on the music on our music CDs wrote asking for guidelines on that! I encouraged him not to score the other instruments but stick with the basic chording, as for piano or guitar, and the melodies. It will be super to offer the music on line in addition to the texts of the stories within which they are embedded. I wrote all three stories and most of the words to the songs for those three stories, while my brother, Tommy, wrote most of the music for Jenny, The Journey and This Is The Day.

Gary also pointed out that our Spring Issue of Light/Lines never made it to the llresearchsite in March! I dashed off an inquiry to Ian, and he does not have the material. I shall need to find that tomorrow.

We had a lovely, quiet evening. Amy Goodman’s show was again riveting, looking at War Made Easy, a documentary on how our nation’s presidents from Nixon onward have managed news reportage of war, cheering for it with sometimes bad information - think Gulf of Tonkin - in their inimitable way.

Colbert was especially tasty tonight too, as Jane Fonda sat in his lap and completely undid his usual calm demeanor. I so enjoy that woman! As Bob Seger so red-neck-edly said, “I love to watch her strut!” And I do! Not just strut, which is part and parcel of who she is as a person, having all the ballet experience in her childhood and continuing to do the barre exercises throughout her life, but object, and reason, and make all kinds of sense about difficult issues. Go Jane!

Gary prayed the ending prayer at our Gaia Meditation and then I read while Jim did some e-mail before we came upstairs for a kitty-snuggle at bedtime.