Sunday, May 27, 2007


This was an unusual Saturday here, as none of us did what we normally do. I am usually upstairs working on a Saturday, while Gary usually mans the admin desk or does other chores. Today, however, it was all about web sites for us.

Jim usually has free time on the weekend, but this time he had taken on two jobs in addition to his normal work week and so he spent most of the day working for Jim’s Lawn Service.

After Morning Offering, he went off to garden while Steve E, Gary B and I gathered for a day of working on the www.bring4th web site. I noticed that web equals “we b”, which word play I enjoyed because it synchronistically expresses what our spiritual activism site is all about. We b human beings – help us to b-come!

Our discussion got off track and back on any number of times as we chewed our way through the concept of the site and what features needed to be included in the start-up material we will launch as B4’s first generation.

Jim brought our fast-food lunch in at noon and we all kept talking. Somehow we always found our way back to the nitty-gritty of focused work. By the time Romi joined us, after I had taken some time out to have my toenails cut in the early afternoon, we had begun to get a clearer picture of what work lay ahead.

Romi explained to Steve what he had been doing in broadcasting the channeling sessions during this last channeling season and Steve, in turn, explained how a web-cast would work from the new B4 site. Fortunately, we have just finished our channeling sessions for this season and shall not have another public meeting and meditation until the first Sunday in September, when we begin session again.

Our public meetings “year” runs, like schools, from September to May, with the three summer months off so Mick and I can catch our breath, relax and watch a few movies on Sunday afternoons, or drive up to Avalon for a retreat. Steve felt that by September, our web-casting function would be up and running.

We four worked quite a bit, in the later part of the afternoon, on the nuts and bolts of various sections. I found some text to create for the site and promised to work on first drafts of all the texts we identified as needed so far.

Our food supply had run dry in-house and so we ordered take-away pizza for us all for supper and enjoyed a good conversation until the Gaia Meditation, at which Gary offered the closing prayer tonight. After that, the party broke up. I knitted on Kori’s baby blanket while Jim cleaned the kitchen and Gary and Steve went to rent a video. They returned just as Jim finished cleaning. Mick and I bade Gary and Steve a good night and went upstairs to snuggle with the kitties before our lights-out at 11 PM.