Sunday, February 17, 2008


The “Chicago Flu” that an attendee brought with her to the Channeling Intensive last weekend continued working its way through our little group. Jim, I am thrilled to say, is much better today. His temperature is under 100 F and he is not coughing so much. Gary is in the throes of it, feeling rotten. Nevertheless he beavered his way through the things pertaining to the Laughlin trip, brave fellow that he is. And by bedtime, I was beginning to cough to the point that my gatekeeper suggested I not channel tonight. Fortunately it is a fairly fast-moving virus and we should all shake it off quite soon.

I was relatively unproductive this morning, having trouble concentrating. In the afternoon I read the Laughlin speech through and discovered that I still need to cut about two minutes off of the text. Jim and I found a way to do that and on Monday afternoon I will finalize the shorter text. Fortunately, at the end of the talk, where the cuts are, I was simply quoting some of Q’uo’s more inspiring comments about the shift around 2012. So cutting those quotes down makes no difference whatsoever to the substance of the talk – it just makes the final inspirational passages shorter. This is fine. They may have more punch that way anyway.

Romi visited this evening, working on the L/L Research computers and sharing conversation and tea with us.

Anne B, my roomie from MacDuffie, wrote to say that she is visiting Louisville this spring to attend Patty B’s wedding, a happy occasion indeed. Patty is the widow of Anne’s brother, Phil, who is also an old, old friend of the family. Anne and I want to plan to get together while she is here and catch up.

It is funny how life works. In school I was a whiz and Anne was not. However due to our life paths, she has accomplished much more in the mainstream sense, editing many important and widely used textbooks and teaching English as a second language for many years.

I still say words like “Charlie” a little differently because of my year living with Anne, who is from Maine. I love her dearly!

Mick offered the closing prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight.