Thursday, July 05, 2007


Happy Independence Day! We certainly had fireworks around here. The water company blasted all day. A large party nearby had a display of actual fireworks. And then Mother Nature did her part by offering us lots of thunder and lightning and some good, needed rain as the sunset turned to dark.

After Morning Offering, Mick set out to mow while I came upstairs to finish editing a 1989 channeling of ours that somehow had escaped transcription until now. It was a good one to read on this Fourth of July at a time when our country’s constitutional rights are imperiled and at least temporarily removed, for it was on the subject of joy. It was very healing to work on editing that.

Surprise! Mick came home for lunch. It is rare that he can do that during the mowing season, but he made a special effort today, as he had left for work worried about some mis-billings and felt the vibrations between us were off. Now that’s romantic! I happen to have the best husband in the known world.

After we dined and did our stretching routine together, Mick headed out to finish his work day. I found that Mr. Pickens had written to ask for a more visible attribution to him of the lyrics I quoted in my UPI article than I had given his work in the column. So I took the time to make the changes for which he had asked and sent the revised rough draft off to Renee and Larry, my editors at UPI. They kindly agreed to add the copyright line to the end of each lyric.

Romi and Steve T had written with their requests for a good time for the Board meeting and I forwarded them to Gary. And Mary Alice, a friend of Dana Redfield’s, wrote to tell me of a dream she had, and also of a new contact for Dana, Marlene, who has also dreamt of Dana since she died. If I can encourage these friends, all of whom are professionals in their own right and deeply involved in her interests, to write about their friendship with Dana, I think it will be a strong contribution to the on-line version of The Alphabet Mosaics.

I spent the remainder of the afternoon selecting quotations from our archives on green ray. Chapter 7 is on the heart chakra and I shall greatly enjoy talking about that.

Mick and I bathed and enjoyed relaxation time until the Gaia Meditation, with Mick offering the closing prayer, and a late supper. We snuggled with the kitties and said good night at 11 PM.