Saturday, March 15, 2008


This was a leisurely day for me indeed. After Morning Offering I came upstairs to write my journals. I did get that done, but fell asleep before tackling anything else. The same thing occurred this afternoon. So I did not start on writing the Introduction to the compilation of Light/Lines Newsletters, as I had planned to do.

Meanwhile, Jim and Gary put in a solid day’s work in picking up sticks and debris for all JLS’s customers’ yards. It is still too wet for them to be able to haul anything heavy away. They tried to get a load of already cut wood on the trailer and it immediately sank into the soft earth. They had to unload it halfway, unhitch the trailer and move it separately, by hand, and then reload it. And rain is called for this weekend. Sometimes, one waits! Jim’s got a ton of jobs he cannot bill his customers for until he can clear away their now-cut debris!

We had a quiet evening. I offered the closing prayer at the Gaia Meditation.