Friday, January 18, 2008


It was snowing when I awoke, and continued until about 9 a.m., a lovely, gentle fall which covered the lawns while courteously leaving the streets and walkways clear. It was simply beautiful. The warmth of the day, with temperatures rising to about 45, kept the snow purely decorative.

After Morning Offering I finished my first draft of the section in Chapter 11 on the Player’s use of ritual. Tomorrow I’ll make sure it is complete before going on to a discussion of channeling. I love the way my work is focusing on channeling right now. I have a channeling intensive to teach/learn coming up, a speech on channeling to offer at Laughlin in February, an introduction for the Light/Lines compendium to write and now i am working on the subjet for the Choice book. How nifty is that!

This afternoon, Mick took me for my Christmas present – a shopping spree at a consignment shop. I found the suit I will wear for my Laughlin speech, a nice warm dress for the banquet there and a Pendleton suit, a nice, cheery red one, for Valentine’s Day’s visit to hear some jazz from Harry Pickens. Also, I found a good olive green skirt and a pair of dressy tan-stripe pants. It’s good to have a pair of dress pants again. A couple of pretty tops and a new sweater rounded out the selection of new things. It was SO MUCH FUN!

In the afternoon I finished reading The Brown Notebook and taking notes from it. I sent along the notes collected so far to Gary, who will be creating a database of images for making a Power Point Presentation to have clicking along behind my talk.

After Mick and I bathed, we luxuriated in a romping, zippy energy exchange, offering each other all our love and light and reveling in the Creator’s presence. Afterwards I lay, replete and thankful, offering the first few verses of the Te Deum Laudamus:

“We praise you, O Lord! We acknowledge you to be the Lord! All the Earth does worship you, the Father everlasting! To you all angels cry aloud, the heavens and all the powers therein! To you seraphim and cherubim continually do cry, 'Holy! Holy! Holy!”

In time, we arose and Mick helped me work some more with my closet, trying on jackets and removing those that no longer fit me. I love to go to Goodwill with these beautiful clothes, so that people with little of this world's money can enjoy the pleasure of wearing these lovely garments. It keeps the energy going and gives me a wonderful feeling of plenty.

I really do love clothes! And they are like little people to me, each garment having its own personality. When I finish this process, I will have many fewer garments in my closet, but the ones that are there will fit me and constitute a wonderful array of choices, so I can express my mood of the day with my clothes.

Gary offered the prayer at the close of the Gaia Meditation tonight, and then we conversed until time for Gary to go to Valerie’s and for us to go up to bed.