Friday, January 11, 2008


Double digits in the New Year already! Life goes by so very fast! It is still quite warm, almost up to 60 F today, but by afternoon the rain was just pouring and I sloshed my way to the car and back, getting to a nail appointment this afternoon.

My stomach is still in rebellion. I believe I shall return to the one prescription which Jan E of the Hubbard Clinic suggested I might remove and see if it improves things. This has been a sustained bout of GI tract trouble severe enough to keep me from being able to think clearly. However I did get a bit done today anyway – praise the Lord!

After Morning Offering I worked on Chapter 11, developing the discussion on the magical personality. It is not flowing yet but it’s a good start. After lunch I worked further on the channeling from two Saturdays ago, the last one of the old year. This means there’s a channeling meditation coming up tomorrow! Again, time is certainly whistling by! It does not feel at all as though a fortnight had passed.

While I felt quite poorly physically, I was also very lifted up all day, feeling so blessed! I do not dwell in the gloomy precincts which pain offers me. It holds no interest for me when the beauty of my life shines before me. Such wondrous love flows through me! And how surpassingly sweet it is to be with my Mick! I love life so much, and treasure all my relationships with a most thankful heart.

I offered the closing prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight.