Tuesday, November 27, 2007


This was truly an alternate day for me. After Morning Offering, which we shared with Gerri G, Mick sailed off to dodge between the rain drops. The rain did get heavy and overcame him, but not before he had finished his two major jobs of the day. Three small ones will be added to tomorrow’s schedule, but fortunately it is predicted to be fair weather tomorrow.

Melissa had come to Camelot to help me sort through clothes, for I have gained weight with this forced inactivity and needed to comb through my winter things to find the garments I can wear and to give away the rest. I am not one to store clothes against the day when I lose weight! I like to keep those clothes circulating at the Goodwill for someone who can wear them right now.

We got a good beginning made, going through all my pants and skirts. We’ll do the rest next time Mel comes to town. She also helped me go through all my socks to weed out the ones needed to be retired for lack of elastic. I am light on my feet and do not wear socks out by making holes in them. However I wear out the elastic after a couple of decades, which is how long I have gone without buying new socks. Having broken down and bought new socks now, I need to clean out the old ones. That was really fun! I did not realize how very tired I was of the old socks, and being forever pulling them back up, until I consigned them to the wastebasket!

Six of my pairs of pants and a skirt needed altering, for I had found new pants that fit well except at the waist, which was too big. So we went to Sergei’s to have the waists nipped in. thank heaven for tailors! With this and other errands completed, we came back to Camelot.

I attempted to write, but the words would not come. I was just too far below par today, which made me doubly glad I had at least gotten SOMETHING done! So I dropped back and punted by working on my e-mail Inbox. I let Gary know we welcomed his father’s upcoming visit with open arms and sent him the one remaining missing first name for our Christmas card labels – a new JLS customer with whom Mick has not gotten past respectful address to “Mr. and Mrs.”. Fr. Joe had written to ask if tomorrow would be good for him to bring the Eucharist to me and hear my Advent Confession. I gratefully accepted. I wrote my UPI editor letting her know of my continued illness. And I responded to Steve E’s questions on psychic greeting by sending him to our archives and the very kewl Google site search feature Ian has installed there, and by assuring him that emotions as well as physical distortions can be energized by psychic greeting.

Mick and I had a blessed, sweet date after our bath and I was very interested to note that although I was too weary to come to orgasm of the 3-D type today, afterwards I found myself experiencing those same full-body orgasms which I have experienced the last two times we have made love together. What an infinite blessing!

Mick offered the prayer at the closing of the Gaia Meditation tonight.