Friday, November 16, 2007


It got downright cold today, an enjoyable experience after all the heat this year. Lowering skies blessed us, a pearly-gray day with leaves falling fast now. I finished the Gatherings Newsletter after Mick and I made our Morning Offering. It’s a really long one, eight pages – and I was skimping on things, editing down the various offerings we had to share from so many good people. It’s wonderful to have that done!

In the afternoon I completed the very first section of what looks to be a long chapter on the indigo and violet rays for 101. This chapter is such a pleasure to write!

Donations continue to come in for the Operating Funds Campaign and I feel blessed indeed to be supported in this work by loving hearts.

I spent some time mulling over the curriculum for the first Channeling Intensive Gathering. I will work with my Channeling Handbook and organize the work at least partially from that.

The Camelot Project people wrote and said they would be in the southwest for a few months early in 2008, so I asked Gary to write them back and let them know I would be speaking at the International UFO Congress in Laughlin, Nevada, on February 28th. Perhaps they will be able to interview me there for their Project.

I offered the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight.