Wednesday, November 07, 2007


We are finally getting seasonable weather, near to freezing at night and rising into the 50s by day. It’s lovely weather and the autumn color is at its peak, finally.

After Morning Offering Mick set out on another incredibly full day of work, made even harder because both of his chain saws seized up at the same time, and he still had one 30-foot-long, fairly slender branch to dismantle. He sawed it by hand! Indomitable Mick!

I was feeling very uncomfortable and estimated that I would do better going to Just Creations to Christmas shop this morning than try to create the Gatherings Newsletter. It was a beautiful drive in to Frankfort Avenue and a very successful shopping trip. I now have gifts for all but the children on my list. I’ll make a separate run for those, perhaps with Melissa this Friday.

In the afternoon I worked on creating the sorted quotes for Chapter 9 of 101. I finished the Indigo Ray quotes and got six pages into the Violet Ray quotes. Only seven pages to go and I will be ready to write, at least from the standpoint of having my supporting information prepared and ready to use.

i did a bit of e-mail at the end of the day. Steve E had proposed a way of making money on the new site, which I discouraged, not feeling it appropriate. However I greatly encouraged him to keep thinking! We need income for L/L Research. I just want the ways we acquire that income to feel good to me. I also encouraged him to use Hanasura's images as he suggested, in a kind of revolving slide show on site. That sounds like fun.

And I asked Gary to obtain audio versions of my last two radio interviews. I think they both went well, and I would like to get them transcribed and up on site.

I yearn for some sign of getting physically better but so far, that is not there except that my “helicopter” – the noise of my pulse in my ear, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh – is somewhat quieter. I vowed this evening to focus on that and try to work around the rest of the symptoms.

Jim offered the closing prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight.