Sunday, October 21, 2007


It being Saturday, we slept in. I had a good four hours of sleep, a record for the last little while. After a leisurely Morning Offering, I rested except for writing in my Camelot blog and writing an e-mail to Gerri G, answering a question about distortion, as the Ra group uses the word, and welcoming her to come to Louisville soon and spend some time looking around for a dwelling, as they plan to move here.

Melissa was here doing her laundry and such, and taking some R & R in the form of watching a movie or two while I sat and read and Mick did his many chores, cleaning the kitchen and planting more tulips in the back yard chief among them. We shared a wonderful take-away lunch from Ruby Tuesday's that totally satisfied my red-meat craving. My body really thrives on red meat and the food felt quite empowering.

Mick and I watched the UK football game later, a heartbreaker with a couple of bad calls against Kentucky. They lost by a touchdown in a handsome game which was fun all the way through.

Melissa left just as we sat down to a small supper, headed for Avalon and her beloved chickens.

Mick and I offered the Gaia Meditation and had a date, exchanging much strengthening energy and ending with a meditation and “Om-ing”. Holding hands, Mick returned to his football while I stayed with the angels. I am not sure which of us was closer to the Godhead, but it was close. The afterglow lasted until bedtime.