Thursday, October 18, 2007


We had some rain before dawn, a lovely sound, and Mick said he mowed dust-free today! He headed out to do just that after Morning Offering and I had a second day of impromptu resting. Although my condition seemed to worsen, I think it is just the natural progression of the bronchitis and that I am turning the corner now.

The challenge for me today was keeping my thoughts clear of anxiety about getting back to work. I am fully aware of things backing up and my getting behind in my intended schedule of items finished. It is not just the 101 book, but correspondence with people important to the work of L/L Research, getting timely writing done for the Gatherings Newsletter and editing on A/Q.

So it is good catalyst for me. As always it is easier to welcome after some good prayer time!

The day was unremarkable except for a session of love-making with my beloved Mick which was blessed by a beautiful violet wave pattern that seemed like a cloak, waving all around us. I thought to myself that it will be good to take up the subject of sacred sexuality in 102.And indeed in this upcoming chapter, I will touch on the subject. I do look forward to being back at work.

We offered the Gaia Meditation at 9 PM and said good night at 11.