Friday, October 12, 2007


After Morning Offering Mick went off to garden for his customers wearing his first long-sleeved shirt of the season, and even a jacket in the early morning, while I in my sweater came upstairs to edit the session we will include in this fall edition of Light/Lines Newsletter. I finished that and sent a “head’s up” note to Gary that if he wanted anything included in my comments for this edition, he needed to send me an e-mail. I also asked him for the “Who Am I?” quotes that did not make it into my UPI article, so that I could include at least portions of them all in our Gatherings Newsletter, which I’ll be working on over the weekend.

Dianne Stoess and I went to J. Graham’s Café at the Brown Hotel for lunch, and a most enjoyable place that was! We had a window table and could watch the street scene, from which soundproofing had removed the noise, while we ate and chatted. Girlfriends are the best as far as supporting and encouraging one! And our food was delicious and beautifully presented. It was a great time!

In the afternoon I finished my second run-through of the 30+ pages of quotes I am using for developing the outline of 101, Chapter 9 and made my first rough outline. It feels good to be coming along on that.

Around the edges of the day, I did some e-mail.

• I asked Gary to do a search on OLOROMO on my old computer, Growler, before going to the trouble to type up a new digital copy of those Eurhythmy exercises I am sending to Janet I. I do want to keep that sheet on hand for reference.
• I chatted with Bob R about his decision to continue working for the railroad. He reports getting healthier as he gets older! “I must be doing something right!” he said. I agree, Bob! Perhaps it is all the loving vibes you send out.
• I thanked Gary for nailing down Shelley’s counseling session time, which is Wednesday at 10:30 AM. I also thanked him for forwarding me a copy of an article on Susumu Hashimoto. He looks like a good candidate for a Difference Makers UPI article, being an all-is-one holistic farmer.

Mick and I had a lovely, long, HOT bath and then an equally hot date, after which we decided to forego watching TV and just hang out for the evening. We had a good, deep conversation and patted kitties, offering the Gaia Meditation at 9, with Mick praying at the end, and seeking our beds at 11 PM.