Friday, October 19, 2007


It rained early again this morning and again in the evening, very blessed events! The earth is so parched that it did not stop Mick from mowing, which was handy for him.

My condition has somewhat worsened, with an earache and a sore throat, plus tummy woes, added to the bronchitis. I called the doctor in the evening, when the nail piercing my right ear got severely painful, and the doctor on call said I could either go to an Immediate Care Center tonight or see them first thing in the morning, as from what I told her, she felt it could be either the flu or an ear infection, and the treatments are different for those. I opted for seeing the doctor who already is familiar with me and my case. Hopefully they will be able to take me at the start of their day tomorrow.

It is interesting to watch myself deal with this catalyst. On the surface, I know well that my job on such days is to maintain good cheer and the knowledge that all is well. And I do that. Underneath, in a corner of my psyche somewhere, there is a little girl banging her feet and fists on the floor and having a tantrum about wanting to get back to work. Unless I do a miracle turn-around tonight, I will be finding that little girl and ministering to her tomorrow!

We offered our Morning Offering and Gaia Meditation as usual and stretched at lunch time. And I did do a tiny bit of business, writing Ian about our Blitzprint concern and Romi about BBS business.

Other than that, I was relaxing and resting all day and evening. We hit the sack at 11 PM.