Thursday, September 06, 2007


With the thermometer hovering at 100 F, after Morning Offering Mick went forth to mow his lawns while I finally got finished with editing the interview I had on BBS Radio with Gina Jones. That was a toughie! There were little circles after every sentence which the spell checker did not remove, so they all had to be taken out by hand. I sent that off to Ian with a sigh of relief. It is good to see that little collection of transcripts of interviews grow. People may find help in those chatty, informal words where they might not in the more formal channeling and writing.

It was a treat to have Mick home for a late lunch! We did our stretching exercises for the first time since before Homecoming.

I did a bit of e-mail before turning to Chapter 8 of 101. I sent to Melissa some farming information which Lorena L. had sent me. I forwarded Romi the FTP information which Don N had sent me. That will be used to send our channeling sessions to BBS for broadcasting. I wrote Levenger, whose products I very much like, asking permission to return a wallet which is the wrong size to fit in my little purse/diaper bag. I forwarded to the March For Peace people a note which my UPI editor sent me about the directions which I had included in my article this week. Renee says there’s no “Arlington Metro Station”. There is an “Arlington Cemetery Metro Station”. As Ra said, “There will be confusion.”

I let our web guy know that we had received the first batch of “A Book of Days”. Also, I had to tell him I did not have any idea what Kelly’s contact info is. This is the fallout from Gary’s being gone on his great adventure in Peru all this week – I know nothing! Gary mans the L/L Inbox these days! And I wrote Teri Brown of the International UFO Congress, asking for the right address to which to send my new book. I hope to snag a speaking engagement at their next convention.

I spent the remainder of the afternoon getting a start on Chapter 8 of 101. I have not yet caught fire on that. Hopefully tomorrow will bring that sense of flow I always look for in creating.

After a most refreshing whirlpool with Mick, I started to get ready for choir practice, but then saw a note from Lisa, our Choirmistress, saying that we were going to rehearse in Harry’s hospital room, at his request, tonight. I am already having substantial discomfort from shoulder and neck problems and I could just see disaster looming if I tried to perch somewhere and hold my music. I always use a music stand at church and sing sitting down, which pampers the sore places.

So I stayed home tonight and instead wrote out the text for the Intro and Outro, to record later in the evening with Romi. Yesterday’s version went by the board when we changed the re-broadcasting date for our channeling sessions from the next day to the next Saturday. My text had been too specific and was now incorrect.

Romi arrived just before the Gaia Meditation, and shared that with us before we did the recording of the new BBS intro and outro. Romi reported that the FTP protocol which I forwarded to him earlier in the day worked fine. He sent the two short new texts to Don using this protocol. Now BBS has all they need to broadcast our sessions. We will send him our first session this Saturday night, which is the opening night of our channeling season. That runs from September through May each year.

We changed our meeting time from Sunday at 4 PM to Saturday at 8 PM, thereby reserving our Sundays for a real day off. We also changed our periodicity from channeling on first and third Sundays to channeling on second and fourth Saturdays. This is to accommodate having Homecoming take up the first weekend of each September. Now we will not have to have irregular sessions in September.

Mick, Ro and I conversed over tea before we all said farewell for the evening. I was glad to see my bed! I am still feeling extremely weary from the psychic and physical drain of the Homecoming. We snuggled with the kitties before saying good night at 11 PM.