Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Tuesdays are UPI column days for me, and after Morning Offering, I worked on this week’s article all morning. It turned out to be a ‘thought’ column rather than the Difference Maker column I had planned. I really enjoy seeing the way this weekly writing process has evolved into something very organic. I think my mind is used, now, to this weekly writing, and lets things pop up for me just at the write time.

After lunch I drove the mile or so to Middletown to offer my blood for my monthly lab tests and on the way back, stopped at Walgreen’s to find new orange and indigo nail polishes. My old ones have gotten tooooo old! I like to paint my nails in the chakra colors when we have a chakra workshop, and my manicure is tomorrow. I am now ready!

When I got back, I did some e-mail. I sent Melissa a reference to a book on poultry farming that looked good, as we are soon to have some chickens on Avalon. I let Calvin, my neighbor, know that I had indeed saved the bulletin from St. Luke’s service last Sunday as she’d requested. She and her husband had donated the Sanctuary Candle to their grandson’s second birthday celebration and had been unable to come to the service. I told her Mick would put the bulletin in her hand tomorrow when he gardens for her.

I got a kind note from Beth at the Ryan’s Well Foundation, giving me permission to write about Ryan in 101. I wrote Vara with my congratulations, as she let us know that she is now engaged to be married to her boyfriend! Big news there! I sent a request to a small group of Indigos who are marching for peace, asking them for some information, as I would like to write an article about them next week. And I sent Gary the Homecoming Vegetable Soup recipe for which he asked.

Then I started Chapter 8 of 101, discussing the blue-ray energy center. I got only far enough with that to feel ready to write tomorrow, if the time is granted me. As the 2007 L/L Research Homecoming draws nigh, I expect more and more to be called to other duties.

Mick did a full day’s work mowing lawns and then went around to area nurseries, collecting new flowers to replace our flagging plantings here at Camelot. The extreme draught here has killed some of our oldest plantings, I am sorry to say. Mick is doing an incredible job of replacing all those “holes” in the yard with pretty, fresh new blooms.

After our whirlpool, Mick and I came upstairs to enjoy my new bedroom air conditioner and have a date. We’d been trying for that for three days, but something came up – not the thing intended, pardon the pun – for the last two days. Today, our romancing was undisturbed and we had a lovely time with the Creator, playing at love.

We were late in leaving our tryst and found a film on TV to enjoy while we ate dinner, “Mr. and Mrs. Smith”, a stylish comedy/action film starring Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. We had seen this movie before, but I had forgotten just how much fun it is. Angelina Jolie is such a great action character! This generation’s Clint Eastwood.

Romi came for a working visit, maintaining our computers for us and then pitching in with Mick and Gary to get our Homecoming binders filled. Gary and Romi copied and gathered pages, while Mick manned the 3-hole punch. It is good to see our preparations start to come together now.

We offered the Gaia Meditation together, with Mick praying at the closing, and said good night to Romi and Gary at about 10:00, coming upstairs to watch an episode of “House” and saying our last prayers at 11 PM, after a good snuggle with the cats.