Thursday, August 23, 2007


The dewpoint was 75 F today, insuring that our high of 98 felt like 110, a thoroughly nasty day for working outside, and Mick cleared a whole trailer-load of railroad ties from a customer's yard in the early afternoon, after spending the morning watering and mowing. He said it was the most weary he’s been all year. After that job, he switched his schedule around so that all he had left to do today was to take the ties to be dumped at Avalon, where we will use them for erosion control. The quiet, hour-long ride up there refreshed him, as did quantities of imbibed Fierce, and by bath time he had good color again and was feeling fine.

After Morning Offering I spent the morning catching up a bit of e-mail, making a date with the Zany Mystic, Lance White (, to be interviewed by him on Friday, September 28th at 6 PM Pacific time, 9 PM my time, on his BBS Radio show, Fireside Chat. He told me - which I did not know - that the BBS Radio site ( receives over three million hits per day! This will be my fifth interview on BBS.

Then I created the blue-ray quotation section for our L/L Research Homecoming 2007. Now I have only two chakra collections to make, indigo and violet, before I can get back to editing.

I NEED to get back to editing, as it is really stacking up. I have an Aaron/Q’uo Dialogue waiting, plus three chapters of Steve M’s comments on 101 to process, plus two of my recent interviews and the Mackinac Island channeling session to edit. It is a rich bounty and I cannot wait to tackle it. However I cannot let the editing run over into my afternoons, as that time is reserved for working on the writing of 101.

And that is what I did after lunch and up until bath time. Chapter 7 is developing nicely. My only concern is that it will seem overly long. The chapter is already more than 20 manuscript pages long, and I have several points yet to cover. Of course, the heart chakra, which is the point of discussion for this chapter, is by far the most complex energy center, so it figures that it would take a while to discuss the Confederation views upon it. I made some good progress today there.

Gary worked on Homecoming details for about half a day and then secured for me a new, larger air conditioner for my bedroom, as I have been losing sleep in this heat. Then he headed up to Cincinnati with Valerie to take in a Dave Matthews concert.

Before I quit for the day I sent a proposal to Gary about how to present these quotation sections for the Homecoming attendees. I have made them generous, in order that they may be a good study guide, not just for Homecoming but for following up what we cover there. However, we cannot possibly cover all of the material in each section during the time allotted for discussion.

I suggested a plan of choosing the quotes we can read and discuss in the 90 minutes allotted for each chakra and labeling that section "For Reading During Discussion", while labeling the remainder of the quotes in each section "For Further Study". He and I will need to create these changes before he can print up the Homecoming packets. I imagine we will get to that around next Monday.

With my sleep having been broken for days now, waking up repeatedly during the night over-heated, and my shoulder acting up as well, I was exhausted by the end of the afternoon, and Mick was equally weary from his physically demanding day. We tried to focus on Democracy Now, but did a good deal of napping instead. This went on all evening! We really felt our age today. It was heaven to snooze, dine, offer the Gaia Meditation and then cuddle with the kitties. We officially went to bed at 11 PM.