Saturday, August 04, 2007


After Morning Offering, Jim and Gary went out into the 100 F-plus temperature of the day and mowed their eight lawns, trimming and doing gardening as they went. Fueled with lots of Fierce, a drink intended to replace salts needed for balancing electrolytes, they survived very well. Praise the Lord, and thank you, Gatorade people, for making an effective product. Now if they could make it organic and stop using icky sugars and preserving ingredients!

Meanwhile I had the luxury of a long morning at the beauty salon. Lee Ann gave me a facial and a lymphatic cleanse, designed to remove the last of the bruising on my face which I received during my fall three weeks ago. By nightfall, I could see the bruises breaking up and sliding down my face. This is great! I would prefer to arrive at our L/L Gathering on Mackinac Island with a clear face. I also got a haircut. I am all ready for the Gathering, in terms of grooming, except for a manicure, which I will get the day before I leave.

Feeling very pampered, I came home through the dusty Anchorage streets to spend my afternoon, after a late lunch, working on Chapter 7 of 101. It is coming along well. I worked with the film, “The Matrix”, today, using Neo’s experiences as I talked about faith.

Late in the afternoon I got word that “A Book of Days” is at the printer and hard copies are expected in 2-3 weeks!!! At last! It is great news.

Romi had written concerning the webcasting for this next season, September through June. Our web guy for bring4th has not yet finished getting the site ready to launch, and Romi had investigated alternative ways to webcast.

He is off to The Czech Republic to visit his parents for a couple of weeks, and I told him that if Steve E has not yet gotten B4 on line by the time he returns, he should go ahead and implement the plan to rent web space for September through December, 2007. We do not want to rush our volunteers, ever, and I am especially reluctant to put pressure on Steve, who has a new baby and a full-time job. I am very grateful to Romi for watching L/L Research’s back on this one.

I ended the day’s work by sending e-mail and/or calling our local meditation group and reminding them of the picnic. I got everyone but Tom F, and I shall call him again in the morning.

Mick and I greatly enjoyed our very quiet evening, vedging out, reading and watching CSI episodes. We offered the Gaia Meditation, with Gary offering the closing prayer, and had dinner before heading upstairs. Lights out was not until midnight! TGIF!