Thursday, July 26, 2007


After Morning Offering Mick went into the world of the Creator to dance with the lawn and garden devas while I spent the morning working on my Inner Shift speech for Mackinac Island. It is beginning to take shape.

After lunch, a delicious quiche and cole slaw which Gary had made for me last weekend, I spent the afternoon on Chapter 7 of 101. the first part of the chapter is firming up now and a final read-through of the first 6 pages went well, with no substantial changes. Progress is slower than I would like but in the end, the time I have taken to “maintain the baby step” in writing about these principles will be worth it. I feel sure of that.

Along the way I responded to a few e-mails. Eli E wrote to ask me about my Dana Redfield articles and the Tomorrow Tree and asked if I would publish that soon. I told him – eventually! And I listed all the editing work that comes before that. He responded by wishing me longevity, a sentiment with which I am entirely in agreement!

Renee C, my new UPI editor, had a couple of questions about my column this week, which I was able to field.

Gary sent me word that my counseling appointment with Doug G will be on August 1st. I let him know it was now on my calendar.

Rev. Ruth McG wrote to ask for prayers for several of her flock and I assured her we were praying for Georgia, Jano and Geo, all cancer patients. And Michele M, our cover art designer for A Book of Days, wrote to let me know our prayers about her recalcitrant insurance company were working! They will now review her case.

I wrote a recommendation for Pupak H-B, a woman who would do a fine job as an executive for an international charity if given a chance.

Lorena L, an active L/L volunteer, sent us photos of her brand new baby! The little family looked so happy – and Mom looked mighty tired! Congratulations, Lorena and family!

I wrote Bradly, who had suggested that I do a column on Ryan Hreljac, letting him know that I had done so and sending him a link.

And lastly, I sent along a video of two otters holding hands while floating on their backs in the water to Mick and Gary, who I thought would get a kick out of the sweet couple.

Mick called bath time and I closed up shop for the day. We relaxed with Link TV programs until time for a quick supper and getting ready for our Board meeting. We had a great turnout for the meeting, with all but two members calling in for the teleconference.

We installed the three new Board members, Tiffani M, Bill H and Steve M, and organized a Marketing Committee, a Development Committee with a sub-committee on Grants, a Financial Committee and an Executive Committee and worked out reporting protocols. Our L/L Research dream is in good hands with our excellent Board and I look forward to new developments by the end of this year.

We also created an L/L position for Melissa T, Avalon Caretaker, and OK’d a stipend for her so she can work full time on the farm development for the next year.

Mick took his supper late, while I read, and then we headed upstairs for our kitty snuggle and bedtime at about 11 PM.