Sunday, November 09, 2008


What a difference a day and a storm make! Driving out with Mick this morning to restock my herbal remedies at Rainbow Blossom, I saw more trees empty of leaves by far than there had been a couple of days ago. Autumn’s glory is fading fast here in Kentucky. Every outdoor surface is awash in leaves. Mick drove by yards he had gotten completely clean of leaves only yesterday, shaking his head. “You can’t tell I’ve even been there!” he said. It will only be a couple of weeks now until the leaves are all down and Jim’s Lawn Service can put the mowers to sleep for their winter's hibernation.

I spent my working time on the Feet to the Fire interview with James Jancik, finally finishing the 33-page transcript at bath time. I continued to deal with inadvertent naps all day but managed to finish the job at last, which felt very good!

Mick took an afternoon of rest, having mowed our yard yesterday. In the morning, he cleaned the kitchen and baked a turkey, then went with me to do errands. But his afternoon was full of football. He so deserves this! No one works harder than Mick does all week. It was great to see him happily ensconced in his papa-chair flipping around from game to game, awash in his favorite sport. Mick was both captain and quarterback on his high school football team. He is too short and the town was too small for him to dwell on his clichéd past glories as do some older jocks, but he loves the game. He was cheering for his teams and I was cheering for him!

After a good bath, we had supper and welcomed Romi and Gary for our weekly L/L Research public meditation. We talked around the circle and then had a channeling meditation dealing with Gary’s question about what an entity, as the word is used by Ra, is, and how much of an entity is the conscious, waking mind. It was an intriguing question which I do not think has been asked before. I look forward to editing the transcript.

After the meditation, we passed the peace to each other and I sang “Shalom” for our Gaia Meditation. Then Romi and I shared glasses of wine and conversation while Gary took off for Valerie’s and Mick immersed himself in more football. We all said goodnight a bit after 11:00 p.m.