Sunday, November 02, 2008


Happy All Saint's Day!

We had another halcyon day for the Channeling Intensive. After Morning Offering, we launched into our study of the channeling database and moved through material from the archives for 1987, which is when Steve T began his studies with us, so he was very interested in spotting himself in the questions and responses quoted. Then we had a Channeling Circle session and broke for lunch. It was an interesting session, with the contact being transferred not around the circle as we usually have done, but randomly. This allowed each member to practice his awareness of the contact and his challenging technique.

During the break after lunch, I responded by e-mail to six questions from Ian, as he is most kindly producing the 101 manuscript for us. I would have sworn that our manuscript was squeaky clean, but Ian’s skilled eye keeps finding little things that need fixing. Praise the Lord for Ian’s eye!

I also took a nap with Mick before coming down for the afternoon sessions – another study period and then another channeling circle. The only member of the circle who had not yet been able to perceive a message was able in this session to do so, and we all cheered! The session took on Lorena’s question about humor and why it is good for people and for channels in particular.

We decided to go for supper to Captain’s Quarters, where we could look out over the Ohio River as the pink and mauve sunset framed a red-balled sun sinking slowly below the horizon. Their food was delicious and the company was wonderful. We got back just in time to offer the Gaia Meditation together. Romi offered the closing prayer.

I am weary, but in better shape than I could have hoped. The naps help! Tomorrow is the final day of Channeling Intensive 3. I will be sorry to see these good people leave. It has been a privilege and pleasure to work with them this weekend. There is an ocean of love in this little group.