Sunday, June 29, 2008


What a surprise to see Gary already hard at work when I came down to awaken Mick this morning! He is attending a music festival in the country this weekend and wanted to get some hours in at the L/L Research helm before he left. He has a summer cold and wishes he could renege on the camping trip, but two of his sisters and their boyfriends are going too, and so he feels obligated to proceed. I gave him my herbal “Wellness Formula” tablets, which help me when I have a cold. I hope they help him too.

After Morning Offering Mick cleaned the kitchen and then did a round of errands. Most importantly for the enjoyment of his mowing, he replaced his iPod, which had become comatose. Consequently he spent a good bit of the afternoon feeding it music. He also weeded the yard and made mental notes of the perennials he wants to add here and there before Homecoming.

Meanwhile I happily continued my read-through of 101. I got within 9 pages of finishing the job before Mick called bath time. Whee! It is so great to get this close to finished with this project – at least until after Ian and Steve M have both cast their expert eyes over the manuscript.

We chatted and watched Ghost on the tube as the sweet, dark night came to replace the day. The role of Oda Mae might just be Whoopi Goldberg’s funniest film stint ever – so far anyway!

Mick offered the closing prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight.