Friday, April 25, 2008


My office windows look out on the upper branches of the redbud and dogwood trees in Camelot’s front yard, and I spent the day watching the dogwoods finish opening their blossoms to the coaxing sun. This has been an exquisitely beautiful day!

After Morning Offering, Mick set out on his daily round of mowing and gardening. I spent my day editing a speech which Mick and I gave together at the International UFO Congress in 1994. It was tough to edit, as speeches generally are, littered as they are by useless phrases. Jim and I both have chief culprits. In my part of the speech, the most frequent offender was, “Well, you know,” which seems to be a favorite way for me to start a sentence. Mick’s favorite was “So that,” at the beginning of a sentence.

By bath time, I had conquered the editing and found some time for reworking recipes. Jim also had a terrific day, enjoying the warmth and sunnyness and getting his work done “quick and easy as pork chops is greasy,” as he is wont to say.

I heard good news from my brother, Jim Rueckert. At 26 weeks, their new baby is growing well and ultrasound shows that their child will be a boy. Kai is somewhat disappointed, as she wants a daughter. Jim, on the other hand, is thrilled to have a male heir. Both Mom and Baby are exceptionally healthy and that’s the main thing. I am so happy for them!

This was a day for girlfriends for me! In the morning Melissa and I talked for almost an hour and at lunch time, Aubine called from Igny and we also talked almost an hour. I am so lucky to have such supportive and loving friends. They were both a bit blue today, and I was glad to cheer them up

Mick and I took Gary to Volare’s Restaurant as a way to thank him for all he does as administrative assistant at the L/L Research helm. He really is the best! Live jazz enhanced the evening and my sea bass was simply superb! Yum! I offered the closing prayer at the Gaia Meditation while we came back via Shelbyville Road, touring the burb in the evening glow.