Thursday, April 24, 2008


The breathtaking splendor of spring continues! Now the dogwoods are rising to half-bloom! Dandelions are everywhere in our yard. I love the dandelions and wildflowers in general as opposed to grass only in a yard. We do not cut our yard until the spring wildflowers have seeded themselves. Jim trims around the plantings and walkways and the look is magical and fabulous!

After Morning Offering Mick tried to power-wash a house for a JLS customer, his first job of the day. However his power washer would not run. So he had to drive 20 miles, to LaGrange, to rent one. He could not find one to rent any closer. However, even with the windshield time, he got all his work finished and even did one extra job today.

Meanwhile I worked more with the revision of Chapter 12, writing the rest of the “bullets” and then incorporating them into the text of the chapter. I like the addition. I think the bullet points make the ending stronger. This process took me into the afternoon. The rest of my work time was spent editing a channeling session from April 12th. And around the edges I continued to rework recipes.

The temperature had reached 80 F, so I did not need a jacket to go to choir practice. We are rehearsing for a big gathering at our diocesan retreat center on May 17th. The Presiding Bishop for the Episcopal Church in the USA, the Most Rev. Dr. Katharine Jefferts Schori, is visiting and there will be a slew of confirmations and baptisms during the service. Our bishop has asked our little choir to provide the music. It’s an amazing honor, given our choir’s small size. We generally make up about a dozen people for Sunday services. It will be fun to caravan down to Litchfield and enjoy the crowd.

Romi came to visit and, bless him, aided me greatly. I was reworking a recipe for crab cakes earlier today and accidentally deleted it. It’s a great recipe, tested many times. I was simply adding spices to the list of ingredients. And I accidentally hit the delete button. Groan! The Ro Man fished it out of Jenny Traveller's recycle bin, where I had been unable to find it.

We three enjoyed conversation, dinner and the Gaia Meditation together, with Mick offering the closing prayer.