Tuesday, March 25, 2008


After Morning Offering, Mick set out for a long, long day’s work, only surfacing again here at Camelot after 7:00 p.m. He is cleaning up yards for all his customers and this is not quickly done this spring, as high winds, heavy snows and severe rains have brought down trees and branches everywhere in this forested area.

Meanwhile I spent the day going through all the chapters of Living the Law of One 101: The Choice and creating a list of topics I wish to be sure to include in the last chapter, which is a summation. I completed the search and list, but the writing did not come today. So I set my intention to focus into inspiration and will expect confidently to have a good insight given to me by tomorrow.

I spent some time in the downstairs office attempting to locate a needed receipt for Jim’s Lawn Service’s depreciation schedule supporting his tax form. I did not succeed, but Pam finally located the receipt and now I believe all is completed for our taxes for 2007. Hurray! Of course there are the finished forms to sign when our accountants get them back to us and undoubtedly taxes to send in, but the preparation work is finally done.

Mick offered the closing prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight.