Wednesday, March 19, 2008


We’re awash in early spring rains! I am still under orders not to climb stairs and so had to find alternate employment for myself downstairs after Morning Offering, as I did not want to unplug my laptop and transport it downstairs. Jenny Traveller does not like to be moved, despite her name, and I have it working just right, finally, after the trip to Laughlin. So I spent the day working on recipes, which I can do on a downstairs computer.

I have over 3,000 recipes which I have saved in my recipes database on the computer over the last twenty years or so. It is only in the last five years or so that I have developed a format for them and have standardized the number of servings in a recipe and changed them, when recording them for the first time, to include healthier ingredients and more herbs and spices. When I began doing that, I began dating the recipes. So it is easy to tell if I have worked through a recipe or not. The older and untweaked ones are not dated.

I asked Mick what he would like to see more of and he said recipes for chicken breasts. So I worked on the older recipes in the section reserved for baked chicken breast recipes. It took all day, but I did clean up every recipe in that section. It felt great to make something of the day! I know the guys, Mick and Gary, will enjoy these new dozen or so recipes – they all look good!

I also got my hair cut today, which makes me feel groomed and looking my very best! Most of the red/auburn shades are gone now. It is time to reacquaint myself with my true hair color! It looks as though I am still not turning gray as I would like to do. My maternal grandmother had the most beautiful white hair and I have hoped I would inherit that, as I did inherit her hair genes, in general. But not yet! We're talking brown. Well, I shall just plan on living long enough to see it happen. That’s all there is to it!

The drive over to Images Salon was amazing! It was raining so hard that the conditions were close to a white-out. I stayed in the slowest lane, placed my eyes on the tail lights of the car in front of me and prayed! All went well. And there is great beauty in such a drive, as water and sky coalesce. I had a great time.

The flood walls are going up along the river in the west end of town where the land lies low and it is expected that the Ohio River will crest well above flood stage for the next few days. The rains are expected to continue overnight and on the morrow, so we’re in for it! I am most thankful that our power is on! So often, hard rains take down tree limbs in our heavily forested little neighborhood and we’re out of power and out of luck for a while. We’re having a fortunate day!

Mick, amazingly enough, managed to get two jobs done even with the raindrops a-falling on his head, so he was a happy camper, albeit a damp one, today.

I heard a section of a speech Barack Obama made tonight and cheered! This is a candidate worth listening to! It is so very true that we all hunger for the change from prejudice to inclusiveness. Now IS the time for such change. Let it be so for me and my house, and let all houses come to the same frame of mind! What a blessed difference it will make for us all.

I offered the closing prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight.