Monday, February 04, 2008


Jim and I had a lovely Sabbath! After Morning Offering he cleaned house while I continued putting things away, unloading items from luggage and storing them. I also had some journal writing to catch up on and that took my morning time.

With our lunch we began to watch a block of Star Trek: Enterprise episodes that took us right up to the Superbowl. I had not seen a good many of these shows and really enjoyed the afternoon’s TV watching. Melissa arrived during this time and we had a good chat as she settled in for the night. At bath time she and I started, and she finished, a batch of beer cheese which was simply scrumptious! We indulged in that while watching a really, really interesting game.

I was rooting for the Patriots, feeling that it would be great if they could have a record-breaking perfect season, but instead the Mannings had a record-breaking run of two brothers quarterbacking two successful Superbowl teams two years in a row.

I offered the Gaia Meditation prayer tonight.