Thursday, January 24, 2008


The day was freezing-cold but Mick and I had a bright and cheery day anyway, as we began to move towards being ready for our trip to Nebraska on Friday. After Morning Offering I worked to finalize the database for Elkins’ quotes on the ET channeling experiment which has become L/L Research. I just barely got that finished before Dianne S arrived for our girlfriend lunch. Sadly, Melissa had decided not to join us, being concerned about the rain or snow forecast as possible for later today, so there were just the two of us. We had a delightful time together, strengthening each others’ hands for service and offering that love and support that only girlfriends know.

In the afternoon, I worked on the detailed outline of my Laughlin speech, using my database and other resources. I got through the channeling part of it, but only got the bare bones of a discussion of 2012 finished before bath time. I sent that on to Gary so that he can be working on finding images to go behind the talk, using Power Point.

Mick had spent the day in the kitchen, emptying the cabinets, wiping them out and replacing our things in good order. He has found a number of things to give to Goodwill, if Melissa cannot use them on the farm. I love the feeling of getting shipshape! Things tend to go missing after our gatherings as the attendees help us get the kitchen cleaned up after meals, only to be found the next time Mick does this routine with the cabinets!

He also finished up the cleaning out of my wardrobe by going through my sweaters to remove the ones that are too small for me, currently. He found 21 such sweaters, further enlarging my next donation to Goodwill, after Melissa has been through the bounty first. She is my old size, size 6, and it is likely that she can get good wear out of my beloved older garments.

I offered the closing prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight.