Friday, December 07, 2007


Mick and I awoke in Nebraska at last and spent our first day here, after Morning Offering, mostly doing shopping for and with Jim’s Mom. We drove to Kearney, about 40 miles away, where there is a good variety of department stores, and found her a new winter coat, a pair of brown pants to go with a blouse she already has and a pair of replacement bedroom slippers.

Then we stopped at Skeeter’s BBQ for a good lunch – despite the somewhat pestilent name, the place offered very good food – and came home through the beautiful harvest-blue, aqua and purple skies of the afternoon. The weather is supposed to get very cold again overnight, but today was balmy.

Mom was unable to find parts for her humidifier or a bedspread for her bed, so after we we came home I got on line and found her the parts she needed and a very nice “hobnail” chenille bedspread. Ah, the internet!! It is such a marvelous resource and makes life so much easier.

Mick worked on our Christmas cards most of the day and found that we are shy about 25 cards – and I ordered 300! In between Jim’s lawn service customers, my classmates, our L/L Research contacts and our 60 years’ worth of personal friends and family, the number has mounted up over the years. I still do believe in the custom of sending greetings at Christmas, though. That is the whole spirit of the season – to re-root us in our connections and ties. Jesus, in his cradle, binds us all together in holy love.

Mick offered the prayer at the close of the Gaia Meditation this evening.