Tuesday, September 11, 2007


One last Rose of Sharon nodded on our front hedge when I got the paper in this morning. The weather has moderated into the 80s, a lovely change! Fall is approaching. Our leaf fall has started early, brought on by the continuing draught.

After Morning Offering, I worked on editing the transcript of an interview I did in March of 2006 with Marcia McMahon. It is tedious work because the transcriber places a round diacritical mark in her work after each and every sentence which I have to delete. Also, Marcia has a talking style with many half-sentences, and I take the time to amend the text to create whole sentences, because it reads much more smoothly that way.

I did not finish this job, deciding that I’d had enough for one day, and ended my morning’s work catching up the e-mail, or halfway doing so! I seldom get truly caught up.

Barbara Brodsky had written with a suggested change in my part of the Aaron/Q’uo Dialogue on which she was working, and I wrote to OK that – it was a good change, making the sentence easier to understand.

Our web guy wrote to get some dates straight in our site’s Interviews section. I supplied the missing piece of information, which was that I have done not one but two interviews with Marcia over the course of the past year and a half.

Rick’s Maine Report finds him making lasagne. We had tried to make that dish for our Friday night Feast at the L/L Research 2007 Homecoming, but when Gary saw the recipe, he blanched and decided to cook something simpler. Maybe next year! I wrote Rick to let him know I LOVE lasagne and am drooling!

Steve F deserves to have the crystals that he loaned us for the Homecoming back, and since he is leaving town we both have talked of getting together for a farewell dinner. I wrote to ask him when we can deliver the crystals and dine together. I must say I will miss Steve’s gentle humor, depth of understanding and great kindness of spirit at our meditation meetings.

I wrote to thank Bob R for his thoughtfulness in letting us know he made it back to Toledo all right after our trip to Avalon the day after Homecoming. I was concerned because he did not set out on his drive until about 7:30 PM. And he was weary as well. And thirdly, he drives like a bat out of Hades. Halleluiah! He made it just fine.

Poor Gary! When he gets back to his admin helm this Friday, he will find at least a dozen requests from me. Today I wrote him to remind him that we have two newsletters to prepare. For the Light/Lines Newsletter, he needs to bring Jim’s hard-copy files of our channeling transcripts up to date so the Mick can pick one for the next issue. For the Gatherings Newsletter, Gary needs to insert Bob R’s Mackinac Island and Homecoming photos into my Camelot Journal entries so that people who read about these Gatherings can take a look and feel more as though they had been there.

Wynn Free, who has been reading Q’uo transcripts on BBS radio each week for the past two years, wrote to tell me that he is actually broadcasting someone reading those transcripts every day of the week now! It is good to know that people are enjoying these words.

Steve E, webmaster at the future www.bring4th.org, wrote to give me an update and also to ask my opinion on a couple of things. I shared my thoughts with him, and then asked him to consider working next on our on-line store.

Now that we have disconnected from Amazon and Baker and Taylor, both of whom insist on such deep discounts that it costs us money every time they sell a book of ours, we really need that on-line store! I do not know how these companies manage to coax all the book sellers into selling through them. I think the other sellers must triple or quadruple their retail prices, so that when Amazon, for instance, takes off 55% of the retail price, the book sellers still make money. We have always kept a more modest retail price, so 55% off our price means we lose money.

Jim made it home for lunch today. It was such a treat spending a bit of time with him at midday! He has lost a couple of customers lately because of their moving away, and he was delighted to share with me that these slots were immediately filled by neighbors of people whose lawns he now cuts, both right here in Anchorage, and both of them lawns he really likes aesthetically – it’s much more fun to cut a pretty lawn than an unimaginative one, even though the boring ones are much easier to mow, since there are fewer plantings around which to trim.

The afternoon was taken up with working on Chapter 8 of 101. I am coming along. The first part has jelled, the second part is jelling and the third is promising!

Jim and I had a lovely, long whirlpool and then an evening filled with Amy Goodman’s interview with Jimmy Carter and a block of Star Trek Enterprise. We offered the Gaia Meditation after supper, with me praying at the end, and snuggled with the cats until 11PM.