Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Ah, Mondays! This was an unbelievably active day for my Interstitial Cystitis symptoms! I made 13 trips to the bathroom before lunch! Nevertheless, after Morning Offering, I did manage to fit in some work on the latest issue of Light/Lines, the newsletter for L/L Research.

Meanwhile Jim was trying to outrun the weather and work for several customers on clearing winter debris from their yards, but was eventually brought home by the plenteous rain.

We enjoyed a late lunch together and stretched before I came back upstairs to find that the way I had edited the newsletter session did not work for Ian, so I went back and created the file a different way, putting all my editing changes in it, and sent that off. Hopefully, that will work.

After a delicious whirlpool with Mick, he and I enjoyed a romantic tryst before I got set for a late call. Gary was also on the line, talking with Monica L about the possibility of opening a forum for L/L Research, which Monica will moderate. This may occur over the summer. We had a good conversation, getting a good basis established for future work.

Jim offered the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight. We said good night around 11 PM.