Monday, March 12, 2007


I woke to more springtime and wrote the Camelot Journal entry for yesterday before going to church for choir practice and then to sing the service at 11 AM. The early switch to Daylight Savings Time made the wake-up a moon-lit one! But the crocuses and daffodils outside our door tell a story of warmth and light to come.

Meanwhile Jim was busy at housework all morning and I came home for lunch to a spanking clean abode – our Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness tag-team expression of the Sabbath! We had a good lunch and stretched.

Jim worked for a while on his e-mail and other small concerns while I worked on editing the channeling transcript from the February 11th Sunday meeting. Then we bathed and welcomed Carmen, Romi and Tom F. Again we had a silent meditation, as Romi had already informed the broadcasting people that our next channeling will be on March 18th. Would that he had contacted us first, as we would have preferred channeling today and then on the 25th, to give m a week off in between the sessions, but since it was already stated, we decided that our channeling Sundays for March would be on the 18th and the 25th. To avoid my channeling three weeks in a row, our channeling Sundays for April will be the 2nd and the 4th Sundays.

We had a really interesting group discussion, going around the circle and talking about our progress and issues and of course U of L sports, since Tom, Carmen and Jim follow the Cards and were sad to see them have to bow out of their conference championship. It was a thoughtful group this week. Then we tuned up and meditated in silence. This is always a delicious time for me, when we have a silence together, and today was no exception.

I had found more poetry for Carmen to enter into the poetry database, thanks to Gary, who had come to me last week asking for the lyrics to some of the songs on “The Journey”, a story with songs which I wrote years ago. The audio of this contains only the songs, however, not the story. In digging around to find where I had lain those lyrics, I found two big folders of “songs” which I had not remembered to give to Carmen when she typed up my poetry. Now in my little filing system, poems become songs when they are set to music – which does not keep them from being poetry.

I feared that Carmen would be disappointed, as she thought she had just finished with that large project, but thankfully, she welcomed more poems to type, saying she enjoys my work. Bless her! And she spent some of the rest of the evening working on them, while Romi did some computer maintenance and Jim fixed dinner, having roasted a turkey.

We gathered again for dinner, Gary arriving from a protracted weekend away, as he had spent Friday and Saturday celebrating his girlfriend’s birthday and Sunday serving at Cracker Barrel. Conversation and the Selection Sunday program for the NCAA basketball tournament reigned until time for the Gaia Meditation. Gary offered the ending prayer for that.

Our guests left after the peace meditation, and we all wended our way to our various beds soon thereafter. Jim and I had a good snuggle with the cats before saying good-night at 11 PM.