Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Jim and I had a leisurely day with Mom McCarty. We did get a bit done on behalf of L/L Research. We cobbled together a letter to the present members of our Board, discussing some items for the agenda of a mid-year meeting and sent the letter off to the five worthy gentlemen who are serving L/L Research in that capacity. We will wait to hear from them and obtain consensus before moving further.

I also worked through the comments Steve M had made on Chapter Three of The Choice. I was delighted to se that he really liked that chapter. It is a challenge to write about the mind and consciousness in a way that is natural and simple. There are so many misconceptions about the mind! It is a good sign that Steve thought the chapter succeeded.

Other than that, we enjoyed our visit, sharing conversation and TV with Mom and taking her out for supper to the best eatery in Nebraska, Grandpa’s Steak House in Kearney and drinking in the glorious weather on the trip there, which is rather cold, of course, but intensely sunny. The sunny weather seems more vibrant, somehow, in this great big plains sky.