Sunday, September 10, 2006


Under a cerulean sky, Jim and I offered a late Morning Offering with the sweet autumn sunshine pouring in around the drawings of the chakras, which are still in our living room windows from the weekend while we figure out how best to preserve them.

I was feeling extremely rocky and elected to take a Saturday off. Amazingly enough, I mostly slept today! I roused occasionally and read on Papa’s letters, coming through part of June now and greatly enjoying his acerbic and accurate comments upon everything from the world economy and issues of social justice to sports, the California weather and the progress of his work around his house and in his passionate commitment to creating an archive of current history.

Occasionally Papa will take off on a riff that is so brilliant I just want to cheer. His main interest in the current letters is to shore up my store of knowledge on how religions have developed and what basic themes they sing.

Jim cooked in the morning, preparing filets of white fish fried in corn meal and then freezing individual portions for the week’s eating, which entrée joins vegetables Gary prepared yesterday. Jim then took off on a long series of errands which ended with his bringing home a fast-food lunch for us both.

After we dined, Jim took his loppers into our yard, which has hedges all around, and spent his afternoon trimming us up, including the work I have not gotten done on the wisteria and elderberry along the back of the garage. Forsythia, lilac, Rose of Sharon, honeysuckle and redbud all got groomed today around the yard. While he did this, he watered, first one section and then the next, until the whole yard was refreshed, as we have not had rain in about eleven days.

Gary returned from visiting his girlfriend, Valerie, to tackle a massive L/L Research Inbox and to work with the photos from the weekend gathering. I believe he ended the day with the photos themselves up but not the captions for them – at least, I could not find the captions when I looked on the blog link. It may well be that my inexpertise has hidden the captions from my seeking eyes!

I was with Sedgie Kitty all day, resting back in my recliner Mama Chair in the living room. He really appreciated the company and sat on my lap a lot of the day on a folded blanket, even flopping down on his side and sprawling, which he does not usually do these days. He seems not to be able to eat except for a bite here and there, and continues to fail physically, but his purring and devoted gaze continues right along.