We enjoyed another summery day. I spent my morning in church, where we sang a Purcell piece for the offertory and Father Joe talked about Christ’s invitation to us all to participate in the wedding feast of the Lamb. It was a stirring reminder to live with joy. Meanwhile, St. James wielded vacuum and dustcloth and made Camelot shine.
We rendezvoused for lunch and our first of two films, Savage Grace. It was a beautifully produced and true story of the vagaries of a wealthy couple and their child. Julianna Moore was hypnotically sensual in her role as the mother, a wicked and perverse creature so fond of sex that all her boundaries disappeared. Also outstanding was Eddie Redmayne as the equally perverse and criminally minded son. Stephen Dillane played the husband competently. Moore’s costumes were simply lovely and all the production values soared. This is one of those films that appeal to the lowest instincts and I felt soiled by it to an extent after the shocking ending.
With a break for a nap and making popcorn, we watched our second film, an engaging romp called Leatherheads. George Clooney played an early footballer and Renee Zellweger played an early woman sports writer. The film took us through the beginning days of football from the start, where you had to touch the football to the ground before a score was called – hence the name “touch down” – to the modern era of a thousand rules and millions of dollars to be made. The music track was outstanding and all the production values were fine. It was a charming movie, one we laughed our way through, lots of fun!
Jim and Gary played catch before supper as the leaves fell like rain. Mick offered the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight.
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