Wednesday, July 09, 2008


After Morning Offering Mick sailed away to do his day’s work of mowing and gardening. I spent the morning editing a Channeling Circle session which had been transcribed and sent in, the first one from Channeling Intensive 2. I am finding these Channeling Circle sessions very interesting indeed and I think as we do more Intensives, we will be creating a good series of sessions. I am tickled that they are going so well!

In the afternoon I had a good, long talk with Gary about the October gathering in Williamsburg, and in the evening, Mick joined in for a second round. We hammered out a proposal for it.

My later afternoon was taken up by swatting away at my burgeoning Inbox. Aaron T had written in with a couple of suggestions for topics for Homecoming 2008, and I wrote to thank her. Gary had inquired as to the naming and ordering of the Channeling Circle sessions, which I am numbering as a single series rather than breaking them into those created at CI-1, CI-2 and so forth. I let him know that, and asked if I was correct in the number of sessions we’ve had so far. And I wrote Joan A, who, along with Aaron, is the very best of our transcribers, concerning a personal question she had.

In late afternoon I went to Images Salon for a haircut. Ah! It feels so good to get coiffed! I always know I look my best when I leave Jazz’s chair. I made an appointment for Dianne also, for six weeks from now. She and I will try getting haircuts together. It sounds like a great plan!

I offered the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight.