Tuesday, June 03, 2008


After Morning Offering I started my work day by creating and sending to Gary a unified recipe for making homemade turkey or chicken broth and chicken soup. We had talked about liking to have homemade broth on hand even when we did not have leftover turkey, with its bones and skin, to cook. A stewing chicken will also make good broth. Now he has a recipe he can use any time he wants to make broth. Homemade broth is a staple of our particular brand of cooking.

I spent a considerable portion of the day seeing to two service calls, one for our telephone and one for the electrical outlet near the fish pond in our side yard. I was up and down the stairs like a yoyo! By late afternoon the telephone was in service again and the fish pond’s pump was running.

In the morning I responded to Steve M’s very welcome offer to take a look at the Aaron/Q’uo Dialogues’ table of contents with an eye to simplifying the language by writing Ba and Jude for permission to send that document to him.

I caught up by e-mail with Talitha, who had wished to know whether our rooms at the Auburn Inn, where we shall stay while visiting Solomon Wickey on June 10th, were pet-free and smoke-free. They are, thank heavens. She sent in a beautiful thank-you note for the two worthy and honorable donors who made it possible for her to attend Channeling Intensive 2 and then see Mr. Wickey with Melissa and me.

In the afternoon I edited the transcript of our April 26th channeling session. The questions, by Allen F, were concerning the creative process and I thought the session was very interesting. So I sent it on to Jim for his consideration for the next issue of Light/Lines.

I hit a minor milestone in my reworking of the recipes database today when I finished my final recipe for turkey – a doozy! It was for turkey tenderloins stuffed with spinach and mushrooms and finished with a cranberry mousseline. Now all of our chicken and turkey recipes are reworked. I shall begin to rework the fish recipes now.

In the starches, I have finished reworking the potatoes and rice recipes and have now begun on the pasta. In the vegetables I have finished with the artichokes and asparagus and am now on the section titled “beans, not green.” I can begin to see progress! With about 3,000 recipes to review, I have a long way to go, but some of the most-used sections are now ready to go.

I reworked a lot of recipes today, as I use them to pass the time while I catch my breath whenever I have to climb the stairs. I was up and down repeatedly with the repairmen today.

Jim worked eight mowing jobs today, plus doing extras for several of his customers while he was there. One of the extras was retrieving some car keys for a customer by slithering in through the open sun roof, hanging by his toes, literally, and fishing the keys out of the ignition. Never say a lawn man's day is boring! That is his record for the number of jobs he handles solo in one day. He was happy as a clam, as the day had gone well.

After our bath, we enjoyed a romantic tryst, sinking down into clear communication and then the communion of sacred sexual energy exchange before coming downstairs to enjoy a late supper and the Gaia Meditation. I offered the closing prayer tonight.