After Morning Offering, I vowed to get a handle on my office work. In focusing on the book project, I have let other things go by the board. So I gathered all my papers and bits and squared off to make a complete to-do list, not for editing and writing but for the maintaining of my relationships.
I had a doctor’s appointment right after lunch, but came back to the job when that was finished and completed my inventory. I found that I owe 22 e-mails to L/L Research-related friends and three personal snail-mail letters. Responding to people I met at the International UFO Congress I’ve got four e-mails to compose and three snail mail letters. And I need to write a class letter for my MacDuffie class and generate a Gatherings Newsletter.
What a relief to know the size of the job awaiting me! Now to peck away at it!
With the remainder of my work day, I continued going through Steve M’s comments on the 101 chapters. I had gotten Chapters 1 through 3 done, so I took up his comments on Chapter 4, which deals with the red ray. As always, I enjoyed the work. Steve’s suggestions are constantly good; he is a master of simplifying a sentence, and this is wonderful for aiming my book at its target audience, the beginning metaphysician - Joe Sixpack and Molly Soccermom. But more than that, Steve offers thoughts which reading my work has brought to his mind, and the discussion is so interesting. I feel as though we are having a conversation, and a most absorbing one.
I had just a bit of time left in the workday after finishing the work on Chapter 4, and decided to use it to write a thank-you note to Phyllis Schlemmer, who had given L/L Research a handsome donation in Laughlin, in addition to trading books with us. She also spoke at Laughlin, and distinguished her presentation by holding a five-minute meditation at the end which was focused on world peace, which she, Andrija Puharich and Sir John Whitmore worked so hard to encourage for so many years. She spoke of bringing me to Florida, where she and her husband now reside, for a gathering there, and I encouraged her to find a donor who can pay my travel expenses. She is such a fine person, positive, loving and dedicated. i would greatly enjoy working with her.
The doctor had not given me any reason to feel that I had a hope of finding a cause for my symptoms. She sent me on to a pulmonary specialist. However in spite of my shortness of breath, my lungs are clear. I doubt I will find relief there. And the appointment is a month away.
So with Jim's help, which he gladly gave, I have decided to start going to choir again. I e-mailed my Choirmistress asking if I can come, on Sunday mornings, straight into the church already robed. This will eliminate the stair climbing which has kept me away. However I will miss the pre-service warm-ups, which is unfortunate. She accepted immediately, so I’ll start back to choir practice on Wednesday evening. I have missed being at church and singing a good deal!
Jim and I shared some beautiful sexual energy after our bath. What an irresistible, powerful and sacred thing it is to be alive and in this body! What an incredible way to share in the godhead principle! What fun! Thank you, Lord.
Later in the evening, he and I talked over my fees. They have been $150 for a channeling and $75 per hour for counseling for a decade now. We decided to raise them to $200 for a channeling and $100 per hour for counseling. It is probably past time for doing this.
Mick offered the closing prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight.
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