Friday, June 08, 2007


As the heat soared again, after Morning Offering Jim set out for his mowing day. I dealt with a good deal of e-mail having to do with Dana’s drawings and other material, thanking some for their sends and talking with Eli E about the concept of a slim, just-as-Dana-asked-for-it printed volume of the Alphabet Mosaics and a much enhanced on-line version containing all the drawings and other material I can gather.

I also wrote to thank Judy R for her poem, which is amazingly synchronistic in terms of my gathering material today for my last article on Dana for UPI. And the Inbox also heralded Melissa’s return across the country from the west coast to Avalon, where she will take up her position as caretaker. We are tickled to have her very capable help there once again. The land loves her and she loves that land!

I collected three pages of quotes, preparing for the final article on Dana’s work, which shall focus on the role of the prophet in the transformation of the planet, and then broke for lunch, which Gary kindly brought back from his trip out to forage for next week’s food.

In the afternoon I worked on 101, Chapter 6, getting a good start, finally, after several hours of backing and filling as I looked for the right flow. It is beginning to feel resonant now.

Jim and I watched a particularly riveting Democracy Now after our bath, an interview with John Pilger, whose film, The War on Democracy, opens everywhere but in the USA this month. You can catch up with his amazingly long history of journalism and film-making at It was sad to hear him tell of PBS refusing to show his work these last thirty years, saying it was too disturbing for Americans.

Should we not be disturbed? Should we really be sheeple? I feel embarrassed on behalf of us all. It is not so much that I am indignant as that I feel that we as a nation have sustained a great loss of vital force, rattling along on misinformation and outright lies for so very long now.

Mick and I spent the remainder of the evening watching the Cavaliers get soundly beaten by the Spurs. Gary had taken off for the afternoon and evening with Valerie to spend some time at Taylorsville Lake, as he will take off for Ohio after he and Mick finish their mowing tomorrow. Gary's littlest sister is graduating from high school and he promised to attend her party. I imagine he will be returning from Ohio about when Melissa arrives here on her trek eastward.

Mick and I dined and then offered the Gaia Meditation during a break in the game, coming upstairs for an 11 PM kitty snuggle and bedtime.