After Morning Offering on this chilly, unevenly tempered morning, Jim braved the gusts in his winter underwear and crunched leaves all the day. Gary arrived back from his mini-vacation, during which he hiked in the Smoky Mountains with his girlfriend, Valerie, and attacked the Inbox with gusto around noon.
I had begun the day, after I wrote my Camelot Journal entry for yesterday, with some memos to Gary about work that needs doing. One big item is gathering Christmas card information. Each year we need to do this sweep, as each year, we have met and had wonderful interactions with new people, for me personally at church; for Jim’s Lawn Service in the form of new customers and for L/L Research, those people who have visited us or volunteered or donated in a special way this year.
I also asked Gary to make some drawings on graph paper, to represent all the measurements Jim is taking of our present rooms and furniture. As we plan our move to Avalon, we want to be sure we have enough “room” in our rooms for our furniture. We are hoping to have all the work complete by the end of November, so that we can make an appointment to speak again with the passive solar architect, Gary Watrous.
I wrote both Gary B, who sends out the Gatherings Newsletter, and Tim M, who sends out the Light/Lines newsletter, asking them both to send a notice to their send groups of the upcoming broadcasts of our sessions. The broadcasts will start in December and run through May. Roman V will moderate and run the equipment that makes the broadcast possible. Since we just sent out both newsletters in October, it is likely that the newsletters will not be sent again before those broadcasts begin.
Gary had sent me a letter from Will, who has booked a personal channeling session this coming Thursday, in which Will attempted to focus his areas of concern for the upcoming session. The focus was not clear enough yet for me to be able to edit his questions, so I sent the letter back and asked Will to get the focus honed down to where I can tweak his questions without altering them.
This is really important. In years long past, now, when I was way smarter, or thought I was, I changed a couple of personal questions to suit myself and discovered that when I do that, I get the answers for which I am looking – which are not necessarily as helpful to the fee-paying client as his or her own wording! So these days I am more aware of my limitations and more careful to preserve the clients’ confusion and just ask for him or her to do more work, rather than my “fixing” things.
Jeff P, our L/L Research lawyer, and I had a couple of rounds of correspondence during the day, working on what needs to be done next up in Trimble County, where Avalon’s land lies. We seem to be in similar states of unknowing as regards the next step. Jeff will make inquiries of the courthouse in Bedford.
Dianne S and I found a date to meet for lunch – this Friday. I look forward to that. Dianne is very socially and politically aware and always has fresh news for me from the various and many web sites she visits daily in her ceaseless search for the truth. Now there’s a gal to respect! She has the care of her husband, Milt, whose seizures have become more frequent and have worsened in terms of severity as well. Many times he is only barely aware of consensus reality. She sees to his needs with great love and almost no help from his family, except that when she does want to visit with me or go out to shop, Milt’s mom will “baby-sit” him. That is how she is managing to spend time with me, and I am honored.
For the remainder of the day I worked as I was able on rereading Chapter Two. So far, I am most happy to say that I like the work I have done. Now THAT is a signal blessing. I am my own severest critic. I shall continue editing on Chapter Two tomorrow.
It was my time for an eye check-up. It seems my cataracts are quiescent still, as there is no change from last year. My eyesight has lost a bit of acuity in my off eye – the left one, which was rolled into my head, piercing the amygdale, at birth - but also remains pretty much as it has been. This is all great news!
Jim arrived just before dusk from all his labors, at which he had been completely successful. “Hey, Ruck,” he said upon his return, “I think this has been my last hard day of the season!” From now on, he has only to put about a half-dozen customers’ lawns which have late-falling leaves to bed, out of about two dozen customers in all. And then, for his winter off-season, he will have only odd jobs, gardening and rock work. The mowing is done at last – well, almost. By the end of November, all will be sleeping sweetly in winter’s chilly bed.
Jim mowed some on our very own leaves before quitting for the day and it looks really nice in the yard now! I love it when that happens! We do have to wait until last for our work to be done, just like the cobbler’s kids waiting for their shoes. It stands to reason – his customers have to come first. It’s great to get our turn, though.
Romi came over to do maintenance on our three L/L Research computers and stayed for supper and the Gaia Meditation. We had a most pleasant conversation until after 10 PM, when both Gary and Romi bade us a good night, and Jim and I went upstairs for a last snuggle with the kitties before seeking our beds around 11 PM.
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