Monday, November 06, 2006


The Sabbath was bright and lovely, the sunshine a grand companion all day. Given the rainy forecasts for both Monday and Tuesday I rather wish the Creator had rained on us today so Mick can cut his leaves up in peace tomorrow.

I am still in hotpad mode today, not feeling at all well. We decided to downgrade the meditation today from a channeling to a silent one in response. I stayed home from church and just rested up and healed. I am hoping to find myself in a clearer mind and a less sore body very soon. Not taking the pain medication keeps my tummy free of woe but the unmedicated pain from the pelvic wall as my burst bladder mends does cloud my mind. I am a dim bulb compared to my usual waking state

Carmen came to volunteer her time in the afternoon. She is typing my songs and poems into the computer so that, one fine day when other, more pressing editing has been accomplished, I can edit those poems and make them available on-line. They are not great poetry, but they may have good material in them anyway for seekers.

We had a very good silent meditation, talking around the circle and then resting together in the silence for half an hour. Afterwards we enjoyed conversation until Carmen took her leave. Gary came home from his stint at Cracker Barrel after Jim and I had supper and the Gaia Meditation, and we chatted briefly with him before coming up for our bedtime snuggle, saying good night around 11 PM.