Saturday, October 07, 2006


Leaves scuffled underfoot as I went out to get the newspaper this morning, and the temperature was very autumnal, down in the forties. So the seasons revolve. It made it an excellent day for Jim and Gary to mow, never quite reaching seventy all day, and with that golden harvest sun to bless us.

After Morning Offering, the two men were off and mowing. I worked on Chapter Two all morning, shoring up the last two sections. I still think the Jesus section is too long. We’ll see!

We all got together for a late lunch. Then Gary went to get the groceries while Jim did mower maintenance for the week and I drove to yet another doctor’s office for a lab test. When I got back from that beautiful drive, with all the leaves starting to color up now, I powwowed with Lynn, who was here working on the books today. I checked some procedures with her. We have ads in two local papers now and are hoping to find a replacement soon. In the meantime I am stepping up to the plate, as Lynn has a full-time job and it really cuts into her personal time to be doing this job for us. So I checked procedure on paying bills and recording deposits and will do that until we have a replacement bookkeeper.

After Lynn and I were finished I came back upstairs to tackle my overflowing Inbox. I spent the time until Jim’s and my bath catching up on things with our web guy. He is creating a “Carla” page on the llresearch home page which will collect all my odd bits into one barn. The Camelot Journal archives will go there, as will my speeches, my tape letters and the information about our counseling and channeling sessions. I shall need to furnish some text for that niche.

Ian also suggested a better blog for me, one which has unlimited photo space, and I asked him to try it out and see what he thought about my using it.

Romi came over soon after Jim’s and my bath and he, Gary, Jim and I watched U of L play Middle Tennessee in a good game of football, at least as good as it gets when one team severely overmatches the other. There was a debate on paycheck games between the commentators and I thought it interesting that teams such as Middle Tennessee have gotten a whole new boost to their program because of the high fees the team gets for some sacrificial games. You’d think it would be doggone discouraging to know ahead of time that you’re very likely to lose badly. However, the team members of an underdog team tend rather to see the game as a wild chance for victory. And indeed such things do happen.

At halftime, Romi presented a plan to Jim, Gary and me for further broadcast sessions. He would like to do a six-month test, from December through May, this time. We chose channeling dates for December and January, working around Jim’s and my travel plans for visiting Mom McCarty and for hosting the Rueckert family Christmas – which should be a gas. We will have brother Tommy and his wife, Mary, and their three nearly grown children, plus my other brother Jimmy, his wife Kai and their son Fluke (pronounced Folk; he is Thai) and our cousin Carlos Rueckert, his wife, Florita and their toddling daughter, Naira. Needless to say, we want to avoid having anything happening while that houseful is here! Gary’s talking about leaving town when they come and Mick looks as though he’d like to go with Gary!

Ah, family!

We talked about this broadcast project until quite late. Romi will take it from here, getting a set-up for which we pay so that it is a private “room” and sending the information about registering for the sessions to the participants from the previous broadcasts. If you want to be added to the list, just write in to the L/L Research Inbox and Gary will send you Romi’s fact sheet.

Jim and I had a late snuggle with all the cats, especially focusing on Sedgie, who is very tottery now, but still quite clear-eyed and free of discomfort. His only difficulty is a near total inability to eat. We had such a good coze, talking until late and only reluctantly saying good night around 12:30.