Melissa and Gary were both working hard for L/L Research this morning. Gary was working his way through the generously endowed Inbox while Melissa was keeping the books and working on her special projects to leave the household with protocol sheets for her replacement.
It was raining on and off today but Jim was able to get his mowing done before things got too wet. Meanwhile I spent the morning, after we shared Morning Offering, writing the column for UPI which finishes the ten-part series on the chakras. It had a good feel to it. I really feel it will be a good introduction to the Homecoming topics this fall. That Gathering is not very far off, actually, just three weeks!
Gary started organizing the supporting quotes for the Homecoming curriculum packet as well and came home from his errands with colored printer paper, so that each chakra’s material will be printed on the corresponding tint of paper. Now that is one easy way to find your place during the discussions! We will have a lot of colored paper left over after the Homecoming, but that’s OK! We’ll consider that computer stationery!
In the afternoon I had a planning meeting with Melissa, who is actively engaged now in finding a replacement for herself as she is leaving over Labor Day to go back out west for a while. Then I tackled my upstairs Inbox, hoping to cut a swathe through that. However I was only able to take the single highest priority e-mail and deal with that.
Ian had requested that I rewrite the copy associated with our on-line order form, which I did, re-doing both the order form text and the projects descriptions, where we describe L/L Research creative projects which are as yet unfinished. I got that copy off to Ian as Melissa came up for another discussion, which took me to bath time. This was good timing, since she needed the discussion and I could not garden in the wet anyway, so it was a good use of time.
Jim reported that he had stayed fairly dry, doing his afternoon’s work of placing mulch in a large, very shady front yard. He must have placed a lot of it. He told me it was three yards, whatever that means! The customer was thrilled and has ordered four more yards’ worth of mulch to finish out her back yard, Jim said.
Jim had another go at Amazon Advantage after our bath, but whatever glitch has fouled their vendor order process is still in place. However they have a patch for those who are unable to get their orders and Jim used that to get a big new order printed out and filled for Amazon instead of watching our usual TV and relaxing.
He was also waiting on a call from a lawn man who may buy Jim’s snow blade and leaf collector, two units for Jim’s big mower which he has found his customers do not request enough for it to make sense for him to keep the equipment. So we stayed downstairs to catch that call, which never came in and I worked on Papa’s letters and finished the New York Times puzzles Romi had brought over for me yesterday from their Sunday Magazine, knowing how I love those puzzles, especially the crostics.
A late supper and the Gaia Meditation brought our evening to a close and we said good night after a romantic snuggle around 11:30 PM.
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