Monday, August 07, 2006


It was a lovely, though blistering, Sabbath. I sang the service and then did choir duty at the al fresco reception, offering my home-baked cookies and lemonade to the congregation for the second week. The congregation appreciates the home-made treats and the choir is getting good publicity, which is a nice thing I can do for the home team. Doug M. has been doing this duty with me for three weeks now and we talked about keeping it going until the end of summer.

After that was accomplished, Jim and I had a most restful afternoon of movies, watching a trio of them here at home. Then Gary, Jim and I gathered for a planning meeting on the new order form list and also on the Homecoming. We offer suggested donations on our order form for the books and tapes, plus shipping and handling, and we have intended to change all of those prices for some time, as our costs of production have substantially increased. We got that ironed out: we will suggest a $3.00 handling charge, plus $1.00 per book. At some combinations, we lose a little and at some, we gain a little, but that formula stays very close to our actual cost, all told. So we decided to go with that.

Gary presented to Jim the proposal he and I had put together yesterday for having the Homecoming here. At first Jim still preferred having the meeting somewhere that wasn’t our home, but in the end he saw the many advantages of doing the weekend right here at Camelot. So we shall move ahead with that plan. The Homecomings always turn out to be most delightful times, with just the right people inspired to join together. I look forward to it.

We ended the day watching another movie! Gary offered the ending prayer at the Gaia Meditation and then we sought our beds, saying good night around 11 PM.

I continued feeling peaked. I am considering a juice fast and cleansing routine to help my system tune itself up.