Wednesday, November 26, 2008


While the sky lowered and the temperature hovered around freezing, after Morning Offering Mick set out on his full day of gutter-cleaning and leaf-crunching, returning home at dusk pleased with his accomplishments. He is making room for Thanksgiving by mowing ahead, and I am most grateful.

I had a pleasant and quiet day. In the morning I created an outline for my UPI article on angels and in the afternoon I wrote it and posted it to the site. It was fun to write it, as I shared memories of the angels in my life.

After our bath we enjoyed Amy Goodman’s Democracy Now, as she filled us in on the background of the banking crisis and the auto company crisis. The consensus of the three guests was that Obama will need to be far more radical in his changes, or nothing will be altered economically.

I hope he thinks of FDR and takes the bull **** by the horns. It does not make sense to me to give money to the same incompetent and greedy people who upscrod so royally that their companies are failing. New people need to take over these companies before money is given.

Romi joined us for dinner and the Gaia Meditation, at which he offered the closing prayer.