Tuesday, November 18, 2008


The temperature kept dropping all day as a dry cold front gusted through Kentucky today. Mick had his long johns to keep him warm as he chewed up the leaves with his mower’s gator blades and mulch plates. He worked this afternoon for a new customer who has some odd jobs for him, always a welcome thing in Mick’s off-season. The grass may not be growing, but our bills still need to be paid, so we are glad for the odd jobs, outside, inside and just plain screwy! And Mick does enounter ODD odd jobs sometimes! His favorite so far is teaching a customer how to pump her own gas.

I had a disturbed night and was thrilled that I only had one nap today! It felt good to have most of the day to work! I went through the archives to secure quotes for this week’s UPI article, part three of the series on the Confederation of Angels and Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator and their relationship to Earth. This one will be on the war in “heaven”, so called in the Bible. By bath time I had my research done and felt that I was all ready to write tomorrow.

It is getting light later, again – I recall this happening every winter. We switch to standard time and gain an hour of daylight in the mornings, only to discover that Mr. Sun is fleeing faster than ever. When I finish my journals in the early morning, I put my mouse on its stand, and as I do, the red lights at the bottom of the mouse track across the darkened windows like a car passing. That little moment of lights passing epitomizes winter for me! Tender is the night - and long!

After our bath and whirlpool, Mick and I enjoyed a beautiful and enlivening energy exchange and a good snuggle before coming down for supper and the Gaia Meditation, at which Mick offered the closing prayer.