Tuesday, November 25, 2008


The Ohio River Valley area around Louisville has a largely moderate and pleasant climate, but it can produce some bad old days, and today was one of them. It was the classic Louisville winter day, misting and mizzling and about 40 F. After Morning Offering, Mick went out into it and climbed on four different roofs, cleaning gutters as he went, and changing clothes a couple of times when he eventually got soaked through. He was thrilled with the day, though, for he cleaned seven yards today and is two jobs up on the week. This bodes well for our Thanksgiving Day!

I focused all day on doing the research for the article on angels with which I shall close out this four-part series on the Confederation of Angels and Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator and its interactions with humankind. It's the response to the second of JoyousChee's excellent questions. He has been publishing my articles in his e-zine, www.cosmiclighthouse.com, for two years now, and I have wanted to show my thankfulness by taking up his questions.

By bath time I had gone through the archives and had ten solid pages of quotes. I should be able to write my article tomorrow in good style. I was tickled to get the searches done!

Elihu E sent me a very good article by Michael Ventura which he had written for the Austin Chronicle on November 21st on Paradox Obama. The address is http://www.austinchronicle.com/gyrobase/Issue/column?oid=oid%3A704745. It was the best look at the campaign I have seen.

Mick and I got together in the evening for a good soaking bath and then a date. We played with the energy as we exchanged it, starting slowly, like a good jazz riff, and gradually heating up the tempo and rhythm until we were scintillating with light. What a blessing to be in this world! And with this good, good man. After a peaceful snuggle and a nap for me, we came downstairs to share dinner and the Gaia Meditation. Mick offered the closing prayer tonight.