Wednesday, April 09, 2008


After Morning Offering Jim used Stanley Outback for his truck, as Sybil Dakota was in the shop, and headed out for a long mowing day, determined to get all of his customers for this whole week mowed before the rains descend tomorrow. I came upstairs and fell asleep over my work, but managed to awaken and write my journals before lunchtime.

Melissa used the morning to complete some town chores and headed back to Avalon after lunch. We enjoyed a good talk before she left. Mick peeked in a couple of times on his rounds and said that even with two days of drying-out sunshine, the ground around here is still saturated. There were places he could not mow, because it was just too wet. In one of his yards that has never had a water problem a pond had formed! If we get all the rain predicted, by Friday we will be awash again.

I managed to stay awake all afternoon and got some e-mail notes written and three snail mail letters as well, so now the Laughlin part of my to-to list is completed and I am back to a one-page list. That feels good!

At the end of the work day, I took Mick in to St. Matthews, dealing with heavy traffic all the way, so he could collect Sybil, whose “codes have been reset”. I remember when mechanics worked on the engines. Times have changed. At least the scenery was gorgeous. We’re at that breathless moment before the leaves bud out on most trees. Every fruit tree in the area is in bloom. Our lilac bushes are in bud and our first tulip is up in the front yard. And you should see our daffodils and jonquils! They are simply lovely, especially in the cross-shaped patio in the back, where all four quarters are solid with bloom.

Romi came to visit and also to back up the vacationing Gary by checking for book orders. He found some, both by telephone message and from our on-line store, and spent some time fulfilling them. It is truly most kind of him to see to our customers in Gary’s absence. We had a good evening together and Ro offered the closing prayer at the Gaia Meditation.